Acceptance Letter Sample for CSC 2024 Scholarship ⋆ MyTechNg : MyTechNg

Acceptance Letter Sample for CSC 2024 Scholarship

Filed in Scholarships by on January 11, 2024 0 Comments

What is the Acceptance Letter for the CSC Scholarship? An Acceptance Letter is a type of consent letter that is provided by the Chinese university professor to whom you want to apply and he/she agrees to accept you as an International Student under his/her supervision at their department.

  • Some Chinese Universities prefer that applicants must have an acceptance letter from their university teacher whom he/she is applying.
  • In some universities, you don’t need an acceptance letter but if you have an acceptance letter it is a good symbol for your scholarship opportunity.

How To Get an Acceptance Letter for CSC China Scholarships:


If you are applying for high-ranked university/Universities then you must try for an acceptance letter, you will be If you want to apply for a top-ranked Chinese university, then you must try for an acceptance letter from their professor, you will be preferred. If you are applying for a University having limited quota scholarship seats, you must try for an acceptance letter, you will be preferred.


Note: If a Chinese Professor agrees with your educational profile, the Professor may ask to Write A Draft Acceptance Letter and send it back to him. Professor, will check if it looks good, sign, and return back to you on University Offical Document. Below there are 2 Acceptance Letter Samples, Please just use them for information only and write your own Acceptance Letter. If you copy and paste, they will not offer you an acceptance letter, So, Don’t Copy from Any website, just write in your own words.

#1 Acceptance Letter Sample for CSC Scholarships:

To whom it may Concern,

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I was contacted by Mr./Mrs Youc can write your name Here to supervise his Degree in University Name, China. I appreciate his interest in pursuing his (Masters in DataScinecs) Degree Level and Program name under Chinese Government Scholarship under CSC 2021 (China Scholarship Council) at Our University (Write University Name Here) Where you are applying.

I received his/her CV and educational documents (tell about your all degrees and experience here). After thoroughly reviewed his/her all documents, I found that he/she had an excellent academic record and have done excellent work in his field during his/her education. In consideration of that, I would like to accept him as a (

Degree Level student) in our Department Name (in which you are applying) under my supervision.

Chinese Government Scholarship will cover full university tuition fees, provides free accommodation, monthly allowance with medical insurance, and but this offer is conditional upon his successful acceptance at our university with CSC scholarship as obtaining financial assistance from the China Scholarship Council.

I have talked with him and came to know that the English level is pretty good, which is sufficient for him to stay and research here in our University. I hope this letter will support him to obtain Financial support under the CSC Scholarship and visa to China.

If you have any questions , please feel free to ask me.


__________________ Prof. Signature Here
Professor Name,

Department Name,

University Name, China


#2 Acceptance Letter Sample for CSC Scholarships:

To whom it may Concern,

Acceptance Letter for “STUDENT NAME”

I was contacted by Mr. /Mrs. Student Name to supervise his undergraduate or graduate studies in our University (Write the University Name), China. I received his cv, all educational documents along with a statement of purpose, your all documents are details are here along with degree name. After receiving his/her all documents I reviewed all of those, and find an excellent one.

I appreciate his/her potential and research interest in my field of studies (write field here) degree-level studies. Therefore I ready to accept him as my student to supervise for his degree-level studies in China.
I wish him good luck with his admission to Our University (Name of University) for financial support under scholarship opportunities here in China.

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__________________ Prof. Signature Here

Professor Name,

Department Name,

University Name, China


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